Ball Dropper

This post right here defines it all.
 I was asked just over one year ago to be a contributing writer for this blog.  I actually had to send another message back asking what on earth that was.What does it even mean to be a contributing writer?
I was in the middle of my first year of home schooling, I just had our eighth baby, and felt completely behind the ball in many areas in my life.
Here I am again, behind the ball.  Trust me when I say, I have dropped that ball more times than I can count.
When I thought about writing for this blog, I knew that my writing style was as eclectic as everything else in my life.  My grammar may actually  improve as I teach my children English in school, and though I did not write as much as I would like on my own personal blog, I did find it to be a great way to organize my thoughts and heart into words.
I had no idea what was about to happen in that next year.
It was a year that began with hearts being broken, lives shattered and changed forever.
All around us families came crashing down.
As a pastor's wife, I have found that sometimes you can't just ask anyone for prayer, because gets awkward. but, sometimes we also need to be covered in prayer as we minister to those who are suffering.
These ladies of The Shepherd's Fish have surrounded me as a support system like no other.  I don't have to say much, other than "please pray".  It has been such a joy to have their prayers answered.
It is my hope to create more of these atmospheres of grace among women in the church as a whole.
The truth is....girls can be mean, and then they grow up...and can still be mean.
I can't help but think about all of the wonderful ladies I know, and how their lives might be changed if they had an amazing group of women supporting them in times like this.
Like I said, I have dropped the ball.  Completely forgetting to post, or forgetting what my post was supposed to even be about.  Yet here I am, covered in grace.  Love poured out by all of these ladies.  Only one of whom knew my name one year ago.  Thank you for including me.
You are such a blessing.


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