Touchy Subject - Death

    One of the most emotional and touchy subjects that exists, is death. Each of us handles this subject in our own way. Generally, there are five stages of death that one goes through. Some get stuck in a particular stage like anger. Anger, bitterness and resentment are a cluster the enemy uses to destroy a person. Ever see an older person who is cranky? No one wants to be around them and they want no companionship. This is sad but it happens, often times because they never dealt properly with death.
    Lately I see decals on vehicles in memory of a loved one. It may be a way to help the person remember and heal, but if prolonged for years, it can be unhealthy. Example; Suppose one is having a particularly joyful day, years after a loved one died. They glance over and see the decal that instantly reminds them of the one who is not there to share their joy. Joy may turn to sadness at a time it did not otherwise have to.
      It helps some to visit a grave sight to heal. I don't visit grave sights because the loved one is in heaven or hell, not there. Neither is wrong, it's a simple preference. No one forgets loved ones that have died. They come to our remembrance at times, this is natural, joyful, and a necessary part of life. For Christians, it's simply a temporary separation. It does bring sadness to us because we are separated though.
    I have been dealing with the stages of death from my precious Scooby-Doo. I know he was a dog, but he was beloved, like a child to me. I get frustrated with my feelings. I want to breeze through it and move on instantly, grief annoys me. I know mentally that my feelings will change nothing about his demise and I refuse to lay blame or dwell on, if only this or that. So, I deal with these feelings, give myself a break and go on with life, because this too shall pass.
    Life is a series of learning experiences. We all have our journey, separation from others that are no longer with us is a part of that journey. Thankfully God is always with His children, helping us and guiding us through all of these difficult times. The question is, are you His? If not, please seek Him.


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