When Our Eyes are Blind, God's Teaches Our Children

    Recently, life in our home was filled with strife and confusion. Paul & I were suppose to go on separate trips and things were falling apart. I knew I needed to pray to get rid of some things messing with our family, but something always took my attention away when I had the time to do so. It was as if I were in a blind fog and couldn't see my way out or how to deal with it.

     Several days before our trips, I went upstairs and kissed Sarah good night. As I was leaving, she held out her hand and said, "mom"? I went back, took her hand, sat on her bed then said, "what sweetie"? She said, "things haven't been right around here lately". I said, "yeah, tell me about it"! She continued, "I talked to God and got rid of some things". I said, "oh thank you sweetie, that is wonderful"! Breathing in a sense of peace that had been missing for some time, I gave her a kiss, then stood up to leave. She said, "ya know, you could have done that a while ago, mom"! I said, "yeah, your right. I love you, thanks for taking care of it for us".
     Later it dawned on me. I wasn't allowed to see because it was Sarah's turn to step up and develop that Father daughter relationship with God. It was her turn to see through God's eyes and let Him guide her. 
     It is so wonderful to know that when we are finding our own way at times, God has our children in the palm of His hand. He will show them the way through the fog of life and teach them on a level that we cannot.


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