Dogs, Toilets & Laughter

While going out for lunch with my husband & daughter, we discussed our dog. I asked my husband if he had given our dog, Scooby-Doo, water before we left. He said he had. I then mused over the fact that dogs will drink out of the toilet bowl if need be, to get a drink of water, this is disgusting to we humans. However, not so much to dogs. God did make them to be resourceful.
I said, "Scooby can't get a drink from our new toilet, because it's tall and he can barely put his paws on the rim now". I wondered aloud, what if Scooby tried to drink from the toilet while we were gone? He could jump onto the edge of the bathtub. While pushing off with his back paws, he would reach out with his front paws putting them onto the edge of the bowl, then lean down to get a drink. He would then, most likely, slip and fall head first into the toilet, yelp and end up flipping around in the cold water. Our dog hates getting a bath, so he would be freaked out. I could imagine entering the house with a shivering wet Scooby, his ears back and tail firmly tucked between his legs, eyes bulging practically out of his head, saying, "help me, I'm wet and cold"! 
By the time I am done imagining out loud, Sarah and I are laughing so hard I'm almost snorting. Paul is driving and laughing, saying, "poor Scooby-Doo".
I also wonder if God, thinks of the funny things we do, and laughs. I absolutely know He has a sense of humor. He made me and gave me this amazing imagination, to not only make me laugh, but my family as well. May God bless us all with laughter, even if it comes from a thirsty little dog, just trying to get a drink.
A merry heart does good like a medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22


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