A promotion?

Six months ago I resigned from my job to be a stay-at-home mom. I started my 20 year career in education as a middle school teacher. In college I quickly learned that many have a very low opinion of the intelligence of those majoring in elementary education. I chose to pursue my bachelor's degree in elementary education because I loved teaching children. Whether or not my career choice had any prestige associated with it did not matter to me. The past few months I have felt self-conscious when someone has asked me what I do for a living. My husband and I are in full agreement that this is what is best for our family, and I know these years with my children are going to fly by too quickly. Recently I was watching a movie based on a true story about a family who survived the tsunami in 2010. The protagonist said she was a medical doctor but now she was staying home with her three boys. The person who asked her what she did for a living said that it sounded like a promotion to him. What a delightful response! The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of my choice to be "just" a mom. I answer to God alone.


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