Out of the Blue


In March of 2004 I was out shopping with my mom. My cell phone rang and the next thing I knew, I was rounding up baby bottles, a pack n play, diapers, toys, car seats, and whatever else I could think of that I needed for the onslaught of what was coming to my house..... 3 little girls ages 4, 2, and 6 weeks. Such is the life of a foster parent, where the census can change daily and you need to keep your furniture on wheels. Most people have 9 months to prepare for a baby. I had less than 24 hours......
   I fostered and loved on these little girls for nearly 9 months until the dreaded day came when they were to move to another state to be placed with relatives. I was heartbroken. They were my girls. She was my baby. I remember watching the red van pull out as they left and straining to see the last glimpses of the tops of their sweet little heads. Then I sobbed for days.
   As years passed by, I often wondered where they were and how they were doing. Then in February of 2009 during a conversation with a foster care case worker who had not been with the department very long, my story tumbled out about these girls and how they broke my heart. The worker was quiet for a moment and then said, "You are not going to believe this, but......" She proceeded to tell me that the placement had fallen through with the girls' family and that the older 2 had been in foster care in New Jersey for some time. BUT the baby (now 5 years old) was coming back to Maryland! She just happened to be the case worker assigned to the case and asked if I would I like to have her placed with us. I broke down and cried. Then I called my mom and we cried together. Three days later I made the trip to New York with the foster care workers to pick her up.
   Today, May 10, 2013 is the 3 year anniversary of Emily's adoption. She is now a beautiful, ambitious, spunky 9 year old who brings so much adventure to our lives! I thought I had lost her forever, but God had a different plan in mind.



May 10, 2013 at 9:40 PM
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I remember the day you came and brought her home with yous from new york congrats to you guys shes a goos little girl!:)


Tom and Lisa

February 26, 2014 at 12:30 AM
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That is awesome. It reminds me of the time I got a 3 yr. old girl and her 5 day old half-brother. After 6 months with us they were taken and placed with a relative. I had bonded with these children differently than all my other foster kids and I couldn't understand how something like this could happen. I felt so sure that they were supposed to be mine (I wasn't even foster-to-adopt). 6 weeks later the SW called and said the placement fell through, and we adopted them. That baby boy of mine will be 5 next month! :-) Miracles do happen!

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