Typed Words & Intentions

I was sick & miserable. I got a text. I took it the wrong
way and responded in a, not so cordial, manor. I didn't
have the full picture. I had no idea that the person made

a mistake, I had been sick & in pain for days. The way
it looked to me was very different then what it meant.
The end result, hurt feelings & broken relationship. 

I love modern technology, I do, but I don't like how
impersonal it has become. When two people are typing
words on a screen rather then looking at each other or
even hearing each other, it somehow becomes easier to
type what ever you think in that given moment, rather then
reflect on all the possibilities those typed words could mean.

It makes me think of God's typed words in the Bible. Our
language today is less descriptive then the Greek or Hebrew
of the Bible. Much like writing a blog is very different from
a short text about the same subject. Example; (we) is used for,
what ever. So many meanings could be derived from that
little set of letters. Thankfully we have been given a guide,
the Holy Spirit, who shows us all truth. If we stop, listen, &
reflect on what He may reveal as the meaning of a particular
phrase of the Bible or even a text we received. We may then
have the full meaning of those typed words, and be saved
from a whole host of bad possible outcomes. May God not
only put a guard on my mouth but also any communicative
device used by me, now & in the future.


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