
     I have seen, and quite frankly participated, in exposing comments made by the CEO of a famous clothing chain store in the mall.  I found his comments shocking, appalling, and maddening.  The store already offends me by the way they present minors in sexual situations. His comments about the appearance of his customers was further reason not to ever set foot in the store.  THEN something odd and kind of funny happened.  

Everyone started noticing that this man has had so much

Plastic Surgery

He looks like a plastic, waxen mask.

     What had gone unnoticed for years, this man has really done serious bodily harm to himself, is now front and center stage.  He is obviously extremely self-conscious about the area where he is the most critical.  Appearance.  What he does not like about himself, he does not like in other people.  This got me looking at my life and attitudes towards the people around me.

Where is my weakness?

It is where I criticize others the most.

    This was a shocking revelation to me and it was so very very true.  A friend made a generic comment about parents in the grocery and I snapped.  It was where I felt weakest.  It was the hardest place I hit myself.  I post funny little memes about fatal flaws there are my biggest weaknesses.  I am going to start taking a hard look at the areas where I am criticizing others.  I think I might be trying to dig a splinter out of their eye when I happen to have a tree in mine.  



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