Weapon Against Evil

Sometimes God allows others to offend or harm us, so that we may forgive them. Through this, we are given a very powerful weapon against evil. Your probably saying, what?
     If evil's intention is to harm you, and cause you to hate, how will evil inflict the most harm? It will use those closest to you, to do the very most damage possible and enslave you. When you choose not to, be offended, angry, hateful or bitter, evil is then defeated. It's purpose is cut down.
If you turn your other cheek and say to evil, here slap this one too, and you keep the door shut to anger, bitterness and resentment, you are wielding a powerful weapon against evil called love. You are in control of yourself and evil does not control you. It then cannot enslave you.
It helps to remember that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
    Evil will use any willing vessel, even one that is unaware of it's willingness, or that it's being used. The person doing the harm isn't the problem, evil is the problem. 
Sometimes we have to ask God to show us the enemy in front of us, instead of the person standing there. Kind of like seeing the audience in their underwear, it puts us at ease & gives us perspective. 
    Whether the person ever asks for forgiveness or not. Whether they are sorry, don't even know what they have done, or are even mean and continue in the harmful behavior still. We must forgive them. Not for their sake, but for our own. The Lord's Prayer says; "forgive us our wrong doings as we forgive others." In others words, I am giving forgiveness and ask for forgiveness of God, for myself. The bible says, give and it will be given to you. Action = Reaction. So unless you have never done anything to harm others, you must first give forgiveness, then ask for forgiveness. 
At times I had to go to God and say. I don't want to forgive this person, Ever God! I can't forgive them God! Will you give me the desire to forgive them? The ability to forgive them, oh just do it for me please, cause I got nothin here God. Here take it!! Then, He deals with me and the problem. Sometimes it's right then and sometimes it takes a while. Feelings change and healing begins.
     Lord God, may we not allow ourselves to be a vessel for the enemy to be used for harm. May we also, resist the devil that He will flee from us. Please forgive others through us, when we can't, we ask this in Jesus name, amen.


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