Milestone 22

   Every wedding anniversary is a milestone. A reminder of a commitment that was made long ago. To love each other through everything that life throws at us.
   Several years ago, instead of our anniversary being a celebration, it was the night that we would decide whether we would continue life together or remain separated. That night did not go well, and within a few weeks I began the process of filling out the paperwork to file for a divorce.
   I never thought I would have found myself in that position, but it seemed as if there was no other way. I cut off all communication with my husband and began to move toward what I thought was going to be the only resolution....BUT GOD had something different in mind.... He began to turn our hearts back toward each other.    Ironically enough, even though I had prayed for our marriage to be restored, I struggled with walking it out. I didn't like having to align myself with what God was doing. I would react before there was anything to react to. I kept myself at a distance and even took a job out of town so that I wouldn't be home as much. And all the while, I had those divorce papers tucked away in the back of a filing cabinet "just in case".
   One day God spoke to my heart that it was time to let go of my safety "just in case"..... There was no room for "plan B". I went to the filing cabinet, got those papers out, and I ran them through the shredder one by one.
   Yesterday was our 22nd wedding anniversary. A huge milestone considering what could have been. A reminder of a commitment that was not only made long ago, but a commitment that is made every day..... to love each other through it all!


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