Father Me

YOU'RE NOT MY $@&#%#@ FATHER!"....... I couldn't  see the look on my husband's face when one of our children blurted out those hurtful words, but I felt myself catch my breath. I thought my heart stopped. I had just witnessed a wounded heart projecting it's own pain onto the heart of the man who wants to be a father to this child...... not because he is obligated, but because he truly loves and cares about this child. 
    How many times do we humans reject our Heavenly Father because of our own hurts? We keep ourselves distanced from the very one who wants to Father us.....not because He is obligated, but because He truly loves and cares about us.
   In the days following the outburst, I have to be honest.... I struggled with even being polite to my child. I felt angry at how my husband had been treated. After all, he owed this child nothing....yet over and over he willingly picks up the load of responsibility that has been abandoned by the biological dad. 
   I looked at him one day and said "I don't know how you continue after what was said to you".  As I observed my husband over the next few days, I watched him walk out a statement that he made long before this incident.  He said  "When I signed my name on those court papers to adopt each one of our 5 children...I meant it! I am their father....no matter what!"

   How much greater is God's love toward us......no matter what! 


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