A Change of Season

My husband told our daughter that he was taking her to get school clothes. She threw a fit. He said "you would have thought I was taking off her arm." I sat down on Sarah's bed with her and asked. "What is it about shopping that you don't like?" "Do you not like to go into the store"? "Sarah said, no". "Do you not like to look at the clothes?" "Sarah said, no".  Do you not like my going with you, because it takes longer and my style is different?" "Sarah said, especially that mom." I said, "well you need warmer clothes that fit, so would you be O.K. with looking online and ordering?" Her eyes lit up, this new idea intrigued her. She agreed.
We looked online and she showed me what she liked. Paul and I went to one of our favorite stores and purchased items that matched her taste. However, her size was different then what I had thought. She loved the colors and styles. After she tried them on, she came down and gave me a big hug. That doesn't happen as often these days. So I told her, "look, you need to go with me to exchange the clothes that don't fit because you must try the clothes on. I promise I will not take long." She fussed, then I said, "I'll take you to your favorite restaurant," she agreed.
I was true to my word and we were in and out like a flash. She even agreed to get shoes in another store. That is the shortest time I have ever spent purchasing shoes in my life. This entire situation makes me think of how I am with God, more often then not. He wants to give me something but I fuss and whine and finally give in. In the end, I am thrilled with what He has for me, be it patients, maturity or even material possessions. So why do I fuss with Him and make the blessing take longer for the end result? Why can't I simply trust that God has my best interest in mind and know that He works all things together for good, to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose? Well, the item doesn't come to me in the manor I am familiar with. It's out of my comfort zone. Just like Sarah going to the store. As our spiritual life matures and expands, we need new attitudes, new ways of being more like Christ. Our old spiritual clothes don't fit, or are not for the climate we are dealing with, in that season. It's only when we trust God, that things go smoothly and our being becomes more like His. We are then thrilled with the results in a much sooner time frame.
Oh Father, I submit myself to You. Please remind me when I fuss, that you have my best interest in mind and please lovingly take me into your perfect will, amen.


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