
            There he was awkward and screaming.  He would not be silenced or shushed.  The crowd tried to go around but there was no stopping him once he heard that Jesus was walking by.  He screamed out all the more, “SON OF DAVID, HAVE MERCY ON ME!  How could Jesus not see, not hear the man? 
            Moved by his passion and persistence, Jesus called for the man.  Vaguely irritated and tired Jesus says, “What is it that you want?”  “Lord, let me recover my sight.  I’ve been blind for life.”  “Son, your faith has healed you, go recover your sight.”
            Then there was the time that Jesus was trying to have a quiet meal.  This unknown Gentile woman kept hassling Him about her son.  Would He please heal him?  “Woman, I have come for the Jews.  Would I take the meat out of the mouths of the family and give it to the dogs?”  “But, Lord, even the dogs get the scraps that fall from the table.”  “Such faith I have not seen in all of Israel.  Your faith has saved him.  Go in peace.”
            I love these stories.  The stories where it seems that Jesus is reluctant to do what is asked of him.  He had healed other Gentiles at this point.  Why did he answer her that way?  What was His reasoning and purpose?  I can only think that Jesus wants to meet us where we are.  He wants to help us, but first He wants to change our thinking. 
            I come crying out loudly of my needs, I come accepting of what is given out of His hand, I walk away changed forever.


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