Adventure Awaits!

In this grand adventure called Life, are you a travel agent or a tour guide?  When you contact a travel agent, he will plan out your trip, and may make recommendations for special excursions and fun things to do, but has he ever been there?  Does he know the best routes, the best places to eat or shop based on what he's been told or from his own experience?  What if something unexpected happens?  What will he do for you then?  A tour guide, on the other hand, says, "Let me show you the way!  This is where you find the best ___!  I will take you there and we will have a great time!"  Your tour guide knows exactly where to find the adventure that you are looking for and will get you there and back safely.

As ambassadors for Christ, we are authorized for adventure! Instead of merely pointing the way, let's put our arm around our fellow travelers and show them the way.  Walk with them.  Pray for them, with them.  Show them the unrelenting love that God has for them and the great adventure that He has planned for them!


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