He Has Me Covered

Hace 612 semanas 2 días 20 horas

I was feeling overwhelmed with all the things that have come my way
lately. We were having internet problems at work. Then, after getting
the internet fixed, my computer would not turn on, at all. I didn't get a
day off from work at all this week, and I normally only work 2-3 days.
The door in the Walmart dressing room would not open, after many
tries by several people. I finally said, "give me a screwdriver so I may
take the handle entirely off from inside". I laughed and everyone was
laughing also.

Other times, I freak out on my family. My poor dogs eyes are wide open,
as he shakes in the corner. My daughter is crying, and my husband has
simply left the room, or house entirely. I would not recommend freaking
out on ones family. After doing so, I feel bad, realize my issue, clam
down & apologize. I pet my poor, petrified, eyes peeled backtill whites
are all you see, dog in the corner. Other times, God gives me grace I do
not have on my own, to deal with situations that would otherwise be made
worse, by this behavior.

What ever the case, these times make me very thankful that God is in charge.
That He won't let anything go too far, even my temper. In my weakness His
strength rises. He provides a door of escape, or in my case, the ability to look
at a dressing room door & figure out how to remove it, to then escape, and
the ability to laugh at the whole thing.So Glad my heavenly Father has me
covered either way.


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