I Cannot Say

I cannot say what Your plan is for me                        
I am the Blind
Groping for Your hand to lead me
Let not my struggle to reach You be in vain
For without You I am Lost
The Darkness overwhelms me
Confusion will be my food
And I will starve while the world
Feasts on my despair
Safety is not found
In the world’s beckoning arms
In its eager grasp, I perish
While it laughs at my demise
You are the Light
Take my inadequate hand in Yours
Draw me close, and open my eyes
So that I may see You,
And find Truth in Your Sight
Safety is found only in Your embrace
In my Creator’s Hands,
I Flourish
Take my Not Enough
And make it More than I could imagine
I cannot say what Your plan is for me
But it is Good


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