St. Patrick's Day

I love St. Patrick's Day. Why you ask? Well, it's the least

stressful of the holidays. The other holidays have become
so commercial that they are not even fun to me, any longer.
It's a day to reflect upon a man that did the extraordinary.

St. Patrick, was not born in Ireland, but rather stolen, by
Norsemen, viking & pillaging in Britain, on his parents estate.
How many others, would return to a land, and a people,
that they were enslaved by, after being abducted from their
home. Their freedom being, once again gained back, by running
away, from said enslavement. Then because God told Him to go,
he returned to this land of his former enslavement, to bring
the gospel of Christ, to this land & people that were pegans,
drunkards, murderers, rapists & thieves? If that isn't extraordinary,
I don't know what is.

This is one of many examples, of what God can do in one person,
that can change the hearts and lives of many, in order to bless their
descendants, like me. Sonya Crogan, Smerdell.
Thank you God, for sending St. Patrick to Ireland, to bring a nation to You.


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