Behavior Charts

   Every day as I open and close my fridge, I hear the rustle of paper. It is the sound of my children's "behavior" charts flapping in the breeze. There are charts for chores, charts for school work, charts for hygiene, charts for attitudes, and so on. There is even a chart to discourage back talking titled "Please don't feed the donkey". These are visual reminders of what is expected of them each day. Stickers, stars, checks, smiley faces, and big black x's tell the story of each success or struggle.
   Yesterday was not a very good chart day. Sigh! Oh, there was yelling and crying, anger and frustration...and the kids didn't do so well either. As I thought about my own mental charts and how I had failed miserably, my thoughts turned to grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast".
   I am so thankful that my Father does not base His saving grace on my behavior chart. There is nothing I can do to deserve His love, but He freely gives it. I do not have to earn it. I only have to accept it. And knowing that He loves me unconditionally, motivates me to be more like Him.



March 6, 2013 at 10:49 PM
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That's good stuff!

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