Read it for yourself

  Yesterday I was doing school work with my 7 year old daughter. She was to read a paragraph and then answer some questions about the passage. We seem to always be playing  "catch up" with school, and in order to speed things along, I decided to read the paragraph to her.
   I read slowly and clearly. I pointed to each word as I read it so she could follow along. When I finished, I asked her, "Was that fiction or non-fiction?".  She gave me a funny look and said, "I don't know. I didn't read it!"
   As funny as that moment was, it made me think..... There are some things that you just have to do for yourself. I could listen to someone else talk about their relationship with God. I can observe someone bowing their head in prayer or lifting their hands to worship, but no matter how beautifully portrayed, it will never be the same as experiencing it first hand..
   So I would encourage you to read His words for yourself....Pray for yourself....Worship for yourself....  These are personal expressions of a love relationship with a God who created each one of us as a unique reflection of Himself. We can walk this journey together, but.....
   My prayer is not your prayer. Your song is not my song. My struggle is not your struggle. Your breakthrough is not my breakthrough.  I don't want to rely on second hand stories. I want to know Him for myself.


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