An Unexpected Gift

Around the end of October, a friend of mine named Jenn found out that she was expecting her fifth child. This pregnancy came as a complete surprise, and at her first prenatal appointment she was told she was already half-way through her pregnancy. Her four children, who are between the ages of ten and seventeen, were thrilled to learn that their mom would be having another baby! In November she learned that her unborn daughter, whom the children named Quinn Elizabeth, has Trisomy 18, which means that she will have an extremely short life expectancy. Another friend of mine gave birth to a girl with Trisomy 18 about seven years ago, and her daughter only lived for two days. Although I've experienced an ectopic pregnancy and two other miscarriages, I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like to carry a baby within your womb with the knowledge that she will probably be headed to Heaven very soon after birth. A few weeks ago, Jenn wrote on Facebook, "We do not know how much time we will have with her. It is in God's hands, and He is totally in control of the situation. God made this baby for a reason.  There is a purpose for her life, no matter how long or short it may be." I would ask for prayer for Jenn, her husband, her four children, and Quinn. I am so grateful that they are believers who can lean on the Lord for strength and comfort.


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