Learning to Sit

Working around behavior problems is one of the great things about homeschooling. My youngest doesn't do sit still and work. He does wiggle and work, walk around and work, and climb and work, especially if the work is highly interactive and fun. Teaching him is a challenge, but the biggest challenge is to get him to allow someone else to teach him. This is most evident at church.

Every week we put on quite the show. On good weeks he gets moved around a lot, on bad weeks, he has taken off clothes and crawled under pews. In our debriefing after church, he always wants to do better, but that seldom turns into action. Even when he's had clear moments of repentance, he can't seem to make the necessary changes.
I can sympathize. There's a couple courses of obedience before me, and I'm ducking them rather than learn to sit. These new disciplines seem unpleasant, difficult, even frightening. I'm quite pleased to pull off the little spiritual development I have. I don't need more. Until I do. The new strength will be absolutely necessary as I enter this new time in my life and its incumbent weakness. I have to learn how to sit.


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