The Ordination

I was lying in bed and the words that I had recently shared about us being part of a Bigger story and ending with "May we play are part well" came back to my mind. And then out of the blue I remembered something that I had witnessed more than 25 years before.

I had just moved to Columbia MD and beginning my "church search." I had read about Evangel Temple in Charisma magazine so decided I would check it out. At that time they were on Rhode Island Avenue just inside the district line. Soon after that they built a new facility outside the city limits in Prince Georges county.

Anyway, they were friendly, joyful and the praise and worship was great. It was a large multi-cultural congregation. The elder Pastor Meares got up to speak and stated that they were having an ordination service today. I sort of groaned inwardly as I had wanted to "hear" the word. it's all about me-you see :)

About 30-50 people came up to be ordained. Pastor Meares shared some personal thoughts that were very kind and definitely out of a Shepherds heart. And then a teaching moment. He shared that he believed that as people are walking out their God-given gifts whatever  their vocation they were going to be ordained and sent forth from that body. It was beautiful!! Yes-there were a few ministers,Youth Pastors, Evangelists, but there were Musicians, Nurses, Teachers, Policemen, Firemen, Stay-at-home Mom's,a Beautician-so many I can't remember all the titles-but-all were ordained in their God given roles to go forth and glorify Him in the earth. I had never seen anything like this before nor since.

For myself-I had always wanted to be a nurse and have loved it. God has opened many doors of opportunity and favor. I have seen people healed, comforted and know in many situations I made a difference. As we all walk in our gifts and touch those in our sphere of influence area by area the world will see HIM!

 I was given much more than  a teaching of the word that day-I saw "the Word" in action and in Deed. Also  there was a  sense of God's intense presence sealing the event! I am convinced that as we walk out our God given gifts and abilities that truly we will glorify God and-We will play our part well!!!

"For we are what He made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life." Eph. 2:10


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