Opening Up

I do not care to display weakness. Once in my adolescent years I fell and hit my head so hard it felt like my brain was sloshing about in my skull. I immediately stood up and protested that I felt fine even though I could not see. When my vision finally cleared I realized I must have been oddly staring off into empty space, so I walked in that direction talking about getting assistance as I tried to stay steady on my feet.
I do not know what makes me sadder, that I was so determined to remain independent, or that everyone respected my independence. It must be better to be more fully woven into one's community, but I still don't know. I have gathered more skills and information as I have walked each step of life, and if nothing else I'll be a thread in the rug in Heaven.
New Years with all its fresh dates is coming and the opportunities for growing and learning seem in full supply. Personally, I'm signed up at the Rec Center to weave a little more recreation in my life. Even my hobbies are work, and my body has become a waste. Here's hoping I can get to know my community a little better as well. 
Where are you struggling with connection? Is it an important relationship? An over abundance of relationships? Or is it a lack of relationship? Don't forget to scribble down a resolution about this important area. I do learn, and I can say the effort is worth it.


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