Touchy Subject - Abortion - Untimely Pregnancy

    An option in dealing with an untimely pregnancy is abortion. This is one of the most controversial subjects, in many areas of our society. People have protests, marches, get into arguments and fight. People have even killed adults and gone to jail over their beliefs.
    This option appeals to some because it is the least financially expensive choice. It is the least time consuming also. This has the least amount of responsibility attached to it, or so it would seem.
    A friend of mine became pregnant in business school. Out of curiosity I asked, "Why don't you have an abortion"? She looked at me with intense eyes and said, "what is the difference between having an abortion, and going up to someone in the street then shooting them in the head"?
    I will not sugar coat it. Abortion comes with a curse. Without forgiveness from God, it holds a day of judgment. God requires an answer from all who shed blood. This comes with emotional scars and sometimes physical ones. It may include very unpleasant things in the doctors office that one doesn't easily forget, smells, sounds ect. It may take away the ability to have children later also.
   You knit me together in my mothers whom, from before time you knew me, the bible says. From the moment of conception, the woman carries a child, not a blob of tissue, a person. So when a person's life is ended against their will, by definition, that is murder. This choices consequences are far reaching. It brings up strong emotions in those involved with it. There are those who were forced to have sex against their will, and then forced to abort the child. I have seen the tears and consoled the women, years after the fact.
    Those that have made this choice or were forced into it, need to heal. They need their Heavenly Father's forgiveness. They do not need our judgment, condemnation, cold stares or speaking at them, rather then to them. They need tissues and hugs, compassion, a lifting up in prayer and removal of a curse. One never knows what they will do, unless they are placed into that position. Please pray for those who are contemplating abortion and those that have had them. May love overshadow them and keep their foot from straying into the clutches of Satan. But for the grace of God, go we.


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