Don't let me be reckless

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18
When I think of reckless things, I think of out of control, chaos.
Rocks being hurled down a dusty dirt covered hill.
Nerf bullets flying through the kitchen while china is being laid out.
A hondred students throwing paint on their faces and using their bodies as sheilds to defend a flag accross the feild.
Controlled chaos at it's finest.
But, what about our words? Are we hurling unintentional words out for whoever will listen?  Are we pushing our agendas with our opinions that fly accross the room and peirce another's heart?
Are we quick to speak, and slow to listen....if we even bother to listen?
Lord, help my words be selected by you.  Intentionally. Words that give life. Words that bring healing.
It is ok to stop talking, if we run out of life-giving words to say.


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