Too to Four

I had a bad night last night. I woke up around 3am and found myself processing a lot of information and worries badly. The "what if"s, "might be"s had there way with me and I'm not over it yet. I have a rule for anything I think about between 2-4am. I roll over, go back to sleep and see if it holds up in the morning. Most of the time that is a great help, but this time there was too much. Our upcoming move is taking too long, my handsome is over in Ann Arbor, so there is too much to process and no one to help.

So, what to do? "Cast all your cares on him for he cares for you." I need to do a better job of choosing my comforts. Snacking and TV are taking up too much time and waistline. Other comforts are slower but better. I need to remember my limitations, and that no matter what control is out of my hands. I need to confess my sins and leave the enemy no room to taunt. I need to remember the truth is I don't know what's best.


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