That's a Stretch...

The sign says it all.... Beyond that sign is unfamiliar territory. The unknown. A whole world of possibilities. Some folks would just run full speed ahead to see what was around the next corner. Then there is me...
I like the familiar. I like calm. I like being in the background. I like singing harmony and blending in. I like the soothing predictability of routine. The thought of leaving my comfort zone makes me feel... well...uncomfortable.
But this is where I find myself lately. Moving and doing things that stretch me beyond anything I had ever conceived... All to move in the direction that I feel God is calling and leading me. I catch myself questioning God. Asking if he is sure. Reminding him that there are others who have more to offer. That are better qualified. More experienced. That can sing better. Speak better. Walk without tripping.

Still....He calls. I can't escape. It pulls on me. It disrupts my plans. It invades my dreams.

You see, this is my story to tell. My journey to walk. There are times my brain will say that I don't have what it takes to do what I feel He is calling me to do. I need to remind myself what the truth is....

I have Him living on the inside of me. And He is more than enough.


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