At the heart of every great family is a mother...
whose words speak a language of love
whose actions build a lasting foundation
whose lessons inspire for a lifetime
~American Greetings
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, and I have been thinking about her life and how blessed I am to be her daughter. Mom married Dad when she was 18, and turned 20 just a little over a month after I was born. She always tells my siblings and me that she grew up with us. When we were growing up, I remember playing games, baking cookies, making homemade Christmas ornaments and smelling up the house making "Shrinky-Dinks" (remember those?) and jewelry from old pill bottles and plastic beads. I still have a "pill bottle necklace" that we made for my Granny back then. Mom taught me some of the basics of sewing and how to crochet a chain stitch. But more importantly, she taught me to be generous, to be kind, to be honest. She taught me how to forgive, and to ask for forgiveness when I have wronged someone. She taught me how to love, honor and respect my husband, and that it is possible for love to last for a lifetime. She taught me how to pray. We would be here indefinitely if I listed all the things that I have learned by being her daughter. I am so grateful that God placed me in the Kincaid family, and I pray that I will impart such things to my family as the years go by. As one of her three children, I "rise up and call her blessed." (Proverbs 31:8)
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