Breaking Camp

A few years back God asked us to break camp.  He was preparing us, and preparing a place for us.  We had no idea where or how, we just knew he was asking us to ready ourselves to leave our little home in that lakeside city.  The first and only home we owned, and had made our vey own.  So, we began to pack.  Keep in mind that when you start gathering and labeling boxes, people start to ask questions.  We had no answers.  All we had was God's prompting on our lives.  Also, when you are packing and do not know where you will be unpacking you cannot label the boxes according to the destination.  So, we labeled them specific and according to the home we were currently living in.  

Then we felt e call to go to a small town in southern Michigan.  We began a journey with some dear friends and that time is so precious to us.  In the waiting time, we continued to pack up and prepare to move there permanently.  Then God closed the door.  We had told him we would be willing to walk through any door he opened, and we did.  Until he closed them all.
Just a few months later, still feeling the need to prepare to leave, we received another call.  This call was tugging at a hearts, but the timing was a bit laughable.  We were expecting to have our seventh baby, and I had oral surgery about a month before his arrival.  I also had surgery six weeks after his arrival.  In between surgeries and delivery we had several visits and interviews and lots of prayer times between my husband and I.  We started our children in yet another school year, and one week later we found out exactly where God was moving us to.  
In the midst of all of this we saw God and his leading in our lives in a whole new way. We learned that you don't always need to know where you are heading to prepare yourself for the journey.  If we had listened to the world around us, and waited to pack and prepare. Waited until we knew where, how and why, we would have never been able to do it.  We would have floundered, unprepared.  Instead, we were able to enjoy that sweet time with our newborn, relax and recuperate when needed. Still ready when our friends came to assist in the move.  So, how is God moving you? Do you feel him prompting you to prepare for a journey?  Is he asking you to do something in obedience to following him? Is he asking you to "break camp" in an area in your life.  Follow him, and walk through the doors he opens.  He will show you where to plant your steaks in the ground and where to rest in him.  And it will be beautiful....


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