I forgot

    Sarah is in online schooling now. this is a totally different experience for all of us. The first week was frustrating at best. Tears were shed, yelling, and throwing things happened, but not at people, thankfully. To top it all off, I totally forgot how to write out long decimal multiplication and division. Wondering why they didn't go over any of this in the lesson. Then I sat down and went through the course myself. They did go over everything, in detail, with examples. However, one has to click on the tab to bring out the examples and the lesson, AHA! So, I went over the area I temporarily forgot and it was like, oh yeah, I remember this, slap to the forehead, Hello Sonya!
    Being God's kid is much like this. One learns a lesson in an area of life. I mean, they go over it several times and it's in the brain and heart for sure. Then time passes and we encounter someone else dealing with the same problem. It seems vaguely familiar, and we know we ourselves learned this lesson, but we need a refresher course. So, we look at the text book and ask God to help us. As if we have found the tab to hit, our eyes see the verse or a person says the exact verse that triggers our memory and it all comes flooding back. We yell, HEY, WAIT! I have the answer for you! Here, look here in the test book, also known as the bible. You show the person and tell them how to deal with it but it doesn't totally click. They have to go through the text book and the lesson themselves. It doesn't matter how you try to explain it to them, until that light bulb goes on, they are in a fog. We want to make them do exactly what we tell them to do, as it clearly explains the problem, example, and answer, in the word of God, but it doesn't matter. Everyone has to learn their own way. All we can do is guide, tell our lesson and pray for them. The good thing is that, we ourselves needed a refresher course, because we too will need those lessons previously learned in our lives, sooner or later.
    Thank You God for Your Holy Spirit leading and guiding us when we need it most.


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