Both Sides Now.

     My Irish Grandfather was a union line breaker. If the union physically restrained him from breaking the line, he went to work elsewhere. He painted houses and did odd jobs because, "Unions are just bad news, honey. They take away jobs not create them. A job is a job and a family needs to be fed. I want to work not fight. If you get a job, keep your job and fight to keep it. A job is worth keeping." When the union was not striking, he worked at a plant called Celanese. Don't look it up. It no longer runs. It closed when I was very, very small. Maybe before I was born. I can't recall. Here is his version of why it closed. "The union closed it. The management could not keep it open AND meet their ridiculous demands. Unions close companies. Don't ever forget. Keep the job you have." OVER ALL, my entire family advised to get an education any which way so as not to have to deal with those issues.
      I remembered his words the many years I toiled at McDonald's. All through college, I gave McDonald's 5 full years of my life with very little complaint. I received glowing praise from managers. I got a better job at Barnes and Noble because of the way the management of McDonald's raved over how I worked. To quote my Barnes and Noble boss, "No one ever gets a recommendation like that from such a nasty job." I kept the job I had.
     Fast forward 15 years of my life. I met a union family who quickly became my best friends. I kept my opinions about the "Union YES" bumper sticker well hidden. I loved these people. Jesus had brought them into my life during a very difficult trial. Jesus then allowed me to see the conditions under which this man had toiled for years and years. The smell of machine oil was sickening and even though the AC was up to a decent temp, it was still not comfortable. "This isn't bad. With all the machines running, the air conditioning keeps it at 95 degrees. The union saw to that." oh. Jesus opened my eyes. At a bank of very expected office sized water bottles for the water cooler, my friend became very proud. "I'm happy the union finally got us this water. Management wouldn't let us have it before." Jesus opened my heart. I became angry. In 95 degree conditions, the management had to be threatened with strike to allow the men to have WATER! Insert bug eyed emoticon here! These men aren't striking for a higher wage or cushy retirements, these men were fighting to get the air set to 95 and water to cool themselves in the heat. Basic, AND OBVIOUS needs.
     It is easy to be quick to judge something we do not understand or a Christian teacher that is really controversial.  When faced with a difference, our first response under God's teaching and care should always be to stop our mouths, listen with ears and heart, and mostly, apply grace.


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