
A question will enter our minds multiple times each day. 
   Why did I forget my purse at home? Furthermore, how could that even happen?
   Is my child, EVER, simply going to do what I ask of them?
   What is this person's name, in front of me, to whom I am speaking?
   Why were those innocent children shot, in school?
   Why can't I go to sleep?
   Can I go around, this person driving in front of me, they are going 10 miles below the speed limit.
   What is the meaning of life?
   How are we going to pay for this?
   Do angels have the sense of smell? If so, when we let a stinker fly, do they hold their noses?
   What color paint will look best in this room?
   Why does God love me? I wouldn't right now. How can He still love me?
   Who is calling now?
   If Satan ever said he was sorry, & meant it, would God forgive him?
   Does this make my butt look big?
Not all questions are life changing. Some are really not all that important. They may feel like they are paramount now, but years later, we realize they really didn't matter. 
   For the questions in life, that make a real difference, it's a comfort to know these promises from the bible; if you seek, you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you, ask and it will be given to you. God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, and are called according to His purposes. I'm so glad I am one of those who have been called, are you? Not sure, ask.


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