Prayer & politics, help

It's easy to dislike politicians on either side. It's more difficult to pray for them. Unfortunately, God commands us to pray for our leaders. So here it is: "God, please don't let them die quick & painlessly, that's all I got God." A little help here, you may have noticed I need help on this subject.
I am real, probably because God knows what I am thinking before I do, thankfully, He loves me anyway. After a little help from God. Kind of like when you get that look, ya know, that look you got from your mom that said, that is wrong & I taught you to be better then that.
Once again, "God, please help our ...(pause)... leaders, finally, make good decisions that benefits the people they are suppose to serve, please put excellent counsel around them, with our nations best interest in mind, may they REMEMBER, that we put them in office, & we can take them OUT!,,, O.K., you did that, because your in control, sorry. May You do with them what You will, I'm tapped out here God." Probably good that You are in charge because it would be more of a mess if I were. Thank you for your mercies for everyone, especially me. One quick note here, please don't let them totally mess up everything our founding fathers fought for, O.K.?, ... & I love our country. Just want us to find our way as a nation, with your guidance & power. I love you, big hug!


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