Terms and Conditions

   I was casually reading my Facebook feed a few days ago and ran across a post from a lady that said "I just want everyone to know that I am not a Christian because I take anti-depressants".  She went on to say that she had been informed of this by someone in her church.  In. Her. Church.
   When I read or hear of stories like these, I feel like I have been punched in the heart.  Having carried the weight of depression myself (medicated and non medicated), I felt the sting of those words. I wanted to find these women, read one of them the riot act, and wrap my arms around the other one.  However, since rioting is not productive, I messaged the writer of the post to encourage her.
   "People speak freely and ignorantly into situations that they know nothing about.  I have been guilty myself. Your relationship with God is between you and Him. Taking a medication does not save you....neither does it keep you from being saved.  Salvation is a gift for ALL who believe.  Beyond that....how we choose to walk out our faith is a matter of personal choice. Dunked or sprinkled.  Hymns or Praise bands.  No make up or all decked out.  It all comes down to the cross."
   When did our salvation become dependent on special terms and conditions?  If that were the case, then does it mean that all unmedicated  people are automatically saved? What about those who are medicating for cancer? Diabetes? High cholesterol?  It sounds silly to me.  From everything I have read in the Bible, I have come to understand that salvation is a gift from God. Free for the accepting.  For all who believe.  There are no prerequisites.  "All" means all......
   .........and thank God that  "all" includes me. Imperfect. Damaged. Just as I am. ......Me.


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