Enjoy, You Just May Find You like It

    Cranky people are annoying. Especially if they are loved ones. If you are the cranky one, it's worse. I love that song by Pharrell Williams - Happy. I totally get into it. I want to play it when others are cranky. Lately, my husband and friend had been cranky. Normally, I wig out and try to make things all better. This time, I was like, "What ever", talk to me when your normal!
    Life happens to all of us. My wonderful friend and co-blogger Jeanne has suffered the loss of her home and belongings. That is a horrible life event that isn't just a pain in the butt, it's a real tragedy. God works all things together for the good to them that love Him, and are called according to His purpose. She will come through this like the champion God made her to be, but it still sucks.
    So my question to you is, why are you cranky at times? Make the joy of The Lord your strength. Sing a song to God and see what He does. Even when things are not great, God can do great things in the midst of it. Since others have been cranky, I have begun like five future blogs, instead of barely getting them in at the last minute. Yes, you poor people will have to endure me for at least five more blogs, and who knows how many more, peace be with you...lol. Seriously though, most people are giving up things for lent. Why not give up being cranky and intentionally make an effort to be Happy instead. Imagine what would happen if you did something wild and crazy, like walk up to a complete stranger and say, "You look really nice today", to someone that looks like they really need a compliment. You may just save someone from killing themselves, or turn their crappy day around, then they may be kind to someone else. Imagine the possibilities. If you have trouble, ask God to see through His eyes. You never know, compassion and love may just flow from you. If God can make a dead person live, He can do anything. Enjoy today, you just may find you like it.


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