
  For the first time in 14 long weeks, I am sitting at this desk. The last time I sat here I was in a different room, a different house, and a different town. This desk was where I would write out bills, write blogs, and write song lyrics.  The last time I sat at this desk with this computer open, I was working on writing an English paper for college.
  As time ticked away, I had to stop and get myself ready for work. I fully expected to finish up when I got home that evening. Instead the unthinkable happened. The phone call from my shaken husband came from across town complete with its own soundtrack of screaming sirens and crying children. That call embedded itself forever into my memory. I can quote it word for word. I still have nightmares about it.
  In short... our house burned down that night. We were instantly homeless. Safe, but devastated.
There is so much that I could write about the details that have transpired over the past 3 and a half months, but that could fill a book. There have been moments of despair and moments of peace. Waves of overwhelming terror and overwhelming provision. Tears of sorrow and tears of relief. Questions of "why" yet believing that God still has His hand on us. Longing for home, but not ever wanting to go back. Craving the familiar, but still feeling unsettled. Tonight, for the first time in months I find myself in a comfortable place....sitting right here at this desk... writing



June 3, 2015 at 6:32 PM
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God IS GOOD & FAITHFUL !!!!! Many times throughout my life I have seen ONLY 2 Footprints in the sand !!!!!! Whenever I would ask WHY or DOUBT, the image or Picture would Pop into my head or I would see someone Post it !!!! AMAZING how He works !!!!!!! 😊. 💜

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