There is a friend....

   Usually I am on the run. My days normally consist of some combination of working at my job, taking care of our 4 kids and 2 nephews, and playing music with our band. Hanging out with friends is often combined with one of these activities. It takes some crafty juggling of my schedule to be able to just hang out. It is a rare occasion when it happens.
   I have a friend who isn't involved in any of my three main activities. Time spent with her always lifts my spirits. We crack each other up. We laugh at the same dumb stuff. Our friendship is effortless. And it seems like no matter how long it has been since the last time we actually saw each other, we just pick up right where we left off.
   I had the opportunity to hang out with her today. Our time together went like this.....  I was on my laptop working on video clips and flyers related to some upcoming band projects. She caught up on her phone calls. I dragged her with me to the bank, Staples, one of the kids' schools, and to drop off flyers for our upcoming benefit concert. Once we made it back to my house, I logged her into my wifi so she could surf the web. While she did that, I payed bills online. She made more phone calls while I went upstairs to start making supper. When it was ready I ran back down to let her know only to find her passed out on my couch. I ate with Gene and the girls and then took a plate downstairs. We watched an episode of "Chopped". (It is now 9 PM)
   She asked me if she had told me that her sister has to have surgery. I said "no". We laughed about how we had been together the whole day doing and saying nothing. She said that the next time she can't sleep, she is coming over to borrow my couch. Then she went home.
   I didn't have to entertain her. She didn't care that my bathroom wasn't spotless. It didn't matter to either of us that we didn't "catch up". We both enjoyed just being together. No agenda. No expectations. Lots of laughs. A Chick fil A sandwich with extra pickles (she knows what I like). A nap. A soda with crushed ice. Refreshing. Thankful. Best. Day. Ever.


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