This too shall pass....all too quickly

On this day of celebration, we gathered to encourage a new mama!  I look back over the years of motherhood and am reminded of all of those joyful days, my heart is full. With the addition of each child there is so much excitement and anticipation. 

So, here I sit. Cold coffee in hand.  Not the sort of coffee that you intend to be cold either.  This mug has been reheated a couple of times, and at this point I just give up.  I will drink it cold, because if I put it in the microwave one more time I will be distracted by something that must be done this instance...and then, cold coffee.  Or completely forgotten coffee.  Again. 
To be totally, brutally honest...I am exhausted.  I may or may not have slept a total of six hours within the past two nights, and my baby just cries.  She can't she cries.
How do you celebrate Mother's Day on little to no sleep?  With dirty floors, because the kids have dug a hole in the garden the size of a small pool.  Then they made it into a small pool. Those kids, so determined and creative.  But, the sand comes in the house and rubs at your feet reminding you that "no sane mother would allow her children to make such a mess".  
This too shall pass
There will come a time when nobody will be digging up the yard, and filling up a homemade pool.  No slamming of the backdoor while running in to catch a sip of sweet tea, or ask again what is for dinner.  Or if we had dinner, or what day it is, or why on earth am I shorter than Daddy if I am actually older than him!
My arms will be empty in the early hours of the morning, and we will all sleep soundly.  
My heart is still filled with joy, as I look at each one of these children God has entrusted me with.  Each one of them so unique and vibrant in their own way.  What an honor to be called "mom" by each one of them.  
This too shall pass....all too quickly.
Happy Mother's Day!  May you be celebrated today!  Mom's by blood, by marriage, or association, you are truly a  blessing!


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