Nothing Else Matters

She took him in sight unseen, no questions asked.
He charmed his way into her heart.
She thought he was adjusting well, but
He covered up a lot.
She started noticing the cracks.
He pretended there was nothing wrong.
She grew suspicious and concerned.
He grew more confident in his deceit.
She reached out to Believers for support and prayer while
He duped them into believing "poor me".
Believers told her maybe things would be different if
She spent more time with her family.
Believers told him that God needed to work on her, and that
He could call them anytime.
She felt like it was all her fault, and
He pointed out that she wasn't a very good mom.
She felt like a failure, but all the while
He continued to chase destruction.
She reached out to Professionals for help.
He appeared to cooperate.
Professionals advised intense therapeutic intervention.
Believers said if she didn't want him, just give him to someone who does.
She missed him for the months he was gone, but while there
He finally came clean.
She was hopeful when he came home.
He acted as if he was better, but then
She noticed him starting to slip.
He said she was overreacting, but
She knew in her heart she was right.
He disappeared in the middle of the night, and
She paced the floor for hours until
He finally came home.
She told him she loves him no matter what.
He said it doesn't matter to him what she says.
She can't control him, and
He will do what he wants.
Professionals will no longer see him.
Believers talk to him, but not to her.
She cries when he isn't looking, and
He isn't speaking to her.
She's angry at his behaviors.
He's angry at everything.
She's frustrated that she can't fix him.
He's frustrated that she won't let him go.
She has great concerns for his future.
He only thinks of what he wants right now.

She prays to God that she won't lose her son.
He can't wait to get away from her.
And to both of them.....
Nothing Else Matters.


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