
Ideal : exactly right for a particular purpose, person or situation

My thoughts are torn lately
It's not just on one issue, but on many
My heart is torn as well
The if this...maybe that of it all
So many things not right
Not right for their purpose
Not right for a person
Not right for the situation
So, what shall I choose in the midst of the not ideal? 
When we all fall short
There is so much broken down and beat up
Pulling at souls starts to pull at your soul

My response shall be thankfulness
Thankful for the broken down and beaten up
And for where Christ holds us through it all
Thankful for His love, protection, mercy, and grace
Though none if this may be ideal, it is all part of God's love poured out
His mercy upheld
Protection where we aren't even aware we need it
And His grace, His wonderful...full grace

Thank you lord for the not-so-ideal 
Thankful for you Lord.....


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