Disagreement vs. Disrespect

I don't generally like to discuss controversial issues, however, my heart has been very heavy this past week after seeing many Christians posting videos and articles attacking Victoria Osteen for statements that she made during a message that she was sharing with her congregation.  While I don't necessarily agree with her wording, I understood the underlying point that she was making, and I also understood that I was hearing a tiny, out-of-context sound bite.  My concern is not whether one agrees or disagrees with her statement.  My concern is how quickly we as Christians jump to defame and discredit one another when we don't agree with something that is said, and the damage that we do to the body of Christ when we do this.  I have seen this same treatment of other ministries, denominations, and individual ministers, and it has really grieved my spirit lately.  I am not saying that we should just blindly follow every teaching that comes forth, and if we disagree with something, there is nothing wrong with expressing our opinions, however, rather than attacking, can we not simply state what exactly it is that we disagree with and why?  My best girlfriend forever and I have differing views and beliefs in some areas, yet we are still BGFFs, and are able to discuss those differences and still come away loving one another.  I hope that you hear my heart today.  We as believers are supposed to be known for our love, but it seems as though we are really known for our hatred and intolerance for anything that we disagree with.  I just want to encourage us to temper our words with love and grace when we feel that an issue needs to be addressed.  

An artist friend of ours shared a portrait on Facebook that he had recently finished, and the words that he shared along with the portrait really went along with everything that has been rolling around in my head this week.  He gave me permission to include it in this post:  

A champion of hope to some and the smiling preacher to others. For years I wouldn't listen to Joel Osteen because I felt his messages were devoid of sound scriptural teaching and doctrine. Recently these words of the Jesus convicted me of my judgement.

"You search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. John 5: 39-40

Joel's heartfelt testimony is Jesus Christ. The religious ones who would have stoned Jesus because of his message is the same religious ones today who would stone Joel Osteen as well.

Life is about discovering our true identity in the light of Christ. Joel's words of hope and encouragement are pointers to this light and no amount of tradition or doctrine can extinguish it.

"A Texas Size Hope" James Robert Kessler c14



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