Light at the End

A friend is going through the particularly dark time known as depression. I've been thinking about things that helped me. The one that stands out the most was a little two page, stapled, pamphlet that a friend gave me. The subject was Mother Theresa and how she struggled with depression. It was breaking news back then, and I read it over and over. I wrote on it, underlined it, loaned it out briefly. Whenever the darkness came back I returned to her words and the comfort they gave. My mind still turns in her direction when the day is dark.

Persisting through the times when nothing feels rewarding, sometimes when nothing feels like anything at all, is a lesson we can draw from the crucified Christ. He just kept going, one step after the other, one breath after the other, until there weren't anymore. Death had always been the end of our vision, but his resurrection let us glimpse the glorious road ahead. This minute may be horrible. This minute may seem eternal, but The Lord of time carries us through to what is truly eternal and it's untarnished joy.
Keep stepping. Keep breathing. Keep trusting, anyway.


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