Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets have made it very easy for us to be inundated by the details of hundreds of people's lives. It's much easier to know far more information about a wide group of acquaintances than it was twenty years ago. I enjoy reading a few blogs and scanning my Facebook news feed each day, as it enables me to see photographs and read updates from many of my friends and family. However, sometimes what I see and read leads me to feel deficient as a mother because I've never taken my daughter for a pedicure, made an amazing birthday cake, or taken my kids to a classical music concert. When I begin to feel this way, I try to remind myself of three things. First, I am creating a composite of what
many different moms are doing with their children. One mom couldn't be doing
all of the things I am reading about with their children. My four-year-old daughter is currently involved in ballet, tap, and soccer - three things I've never done, and yet I don't feel deprived because I haven't experienced those things. I was busy doing other things like reading books, playing the flute, taking ice skating lessons, and practicing the piano. Secondly, I tell myself that God wanted my precious children to have
me as their mother. I should continue to strive to grow as a person and as a mother, but He knew my personality, strengths, weaknesses, and interests when He gave me these children. Finally, things like cakes and crafts are really unimportant in the grand scheme of life. I want my children to experience the unconditional love of their parents and Heavenly Father. I pray that each of them will develop a personal relationship with the Lord and strive to grow closer to Him all throughout their lives. I am sure most moms throughout history have struggled with "mommy guilt" from time to time, but social media has made it possible for us to compare ourselves to far more people on a daily basis. If I keep my eyes on Christ and look to Him for wisdom, I am certain I'll be exactly the mother God intended my children to have.
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