This Boy...and His heart

I have a boy who has the most beautiful blueish grey eyes you have ever seen.  He is quiet and reserved when you first meet him, then goofy and all over the place when he feels comfortable. He has always had a thing for texture.  When he was just shy of two years old he realized his love for Gap tags.  Everyday after getting dressed he would reach his chubby little arm to the back of his neck and feel for what kind of tag was hanging there.  He loved those canvas, soft tags.  Later, when he was old enough to help choosing his clothing for the day, he would go down the line of hangers feeling all the tags of his shirts.  You can imagine our disappointment when many stores began selling the "tag-less" clothing.  I often giggle when I unpack the small clothing for our now two year old, and my older boy asks "Mom, who does he have so many Gap shirts?"  I show him the tags and he looks at me sideways as if I have made his fascination up....all while rubbing that tag between his thumb and finger.

My boy is aware that with eight children in the home, we do not splurge on many things.  But my boy has his eye on a Sherpa lined hoodie and a pair of high top shoes.  He has longed for these for six months.  I have checked sales and scoured clearance racks.  Then the question came.  "Mom, do you think I could get high top shoes for my birthday?"  This is a big deal in our house.  We do not buy toys and treats year round, so he is asking to forfeit his chance at toys for the shoes.

It's his heart.  His heart that makes us want to get him those shoes.  His heart that makes me want to grant every wish his little heart has.

This is one of those moments when I this how God feels about us, and our hearts?

Does he see our hearts, and not just the request?
When our hearts are willing to sacrifice, willing to bend to Him....
Is it then that He wants to give us our hearts desires?

This boy is turning eleven this week.
I found those shoes for my boy...and that Sherpa lined hoodie, 75% off!

God is good, and always showing me things through these children He has given me.


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