Then it happened. Within a few days time life fell apart. We were faced with not just one major crisis, but several. And today we are left with only 3 of our children living the nightmare with us.
My oldest had recently turned 18 and had started the new chapter of her life... College. I was so proud of her! She had come to us at age 12 and we adopted her at age 14. We watched her grow into a beautiful young lady and looked forward to celebrating each future success. But, she left.......
She just walked out with a few of her things to "think about things". It was 2 weeks before we were able to confirm that she and her boyfriend had gone to Ohio and moved in with her birth family. Communication over the past six months has been sketchy at best.
I know that God has a plan for her life even though it is terrifying to watch it unfold. BUT..... today.... I just miss her.
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