Labels: Christine
Before I had children, when I would see an unruly child in public, I would automatically think what a poor job the parent must be doing. Ignorant, judgemental me.....Then I was blessed to be able to adopt my 5 children, 3 of which have a diagnosis of ADHD. This past week ADHD has kicked my butt and left me exhausted and cranky. Friday was the worst!
My 7 year old had decided that she didn't want to take her medication, so when I had turned my back she sneaked it out of her mouth and into the trash can. It was hours later before she finally confessed what she had done. Of course by this time she had been in trouble and been yelled at more times than I could count. She flipped and flopped, ran and rolled, jumped an jiggled ALL DAY!!!! Then when the blessed hour of "bedtime" (can you just hear the angels singing?) finally came.....she was wide awake and stayed awake for 28 hours straight!
Living through the roller coaster of ADHD has caused me to become a pro at recognizing it. Now when I see a child who is unruly, instead of making that same ignorant judgement, my heart goes out to the parent as I want to hug them and say "I know".
Hebrews 4:14-16 encourages us to hold on to our faith. It says that Jesus understands our weaknesses because He has faced all of the same testings, but did not sin. Because of this, when we run to Him, He will not scold us or turn us away.... He will say "I know" and shower us with mercy and grace to help us when we need it most.
Labels: Jeanne
Ahhh! Spring is finally in the air. Flowers are starting to appear, birds are singing, trees are budding. I am thinking of all the weddings that I will be attending, beginning in a few weeks, and several songs based on the Song of Solomon are playing in my head.
"With you I will go; you are my Love, you are my Fair One. Winter has passed and the springtime has come." (Dance With Me, from Paul Wilbur's Lion of Judah album and Jesus Culture's Consumed album)
"See the winter is past and the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth, and the season of singing has come. Cooing of doves is heard, the fig tree forms its fruit, and the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling, my beautiful one. Come with me, come with me, come." (Arise, from Heather Clark's album, Dark Yet Lovely)
In these songs I hear the voice of Jesus as the Bridegroom, calling out to me to come away with Him; come and spend time getting to know the Lover of my soul more intimately. Being a newlywed, and still in the "honeymoon stage" of my marriage, you would think that it would be easy for me to do. After all, I do whatever I can to be able to spend as much time with my husband as I can, which has been challenging the past few weeks because of the craziness of our schedules. But I make the time for my husband. Why is it so much more challenging to make time to quiet my soul and spend more time with the Lord?
I am so thankful for His grace. He loves me despite my excuses, and continues to call my name.
"Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away." (Song of Solomon 2:13)
Labels: Terri
Labels: Sonya
I have a boy who has the most beautiful blueish grey eyes you have ever seen. He is quiet and reserved when you first meet him, then goofy and all over the place when he feels comfortable. He has always had a thing for texture. When he was just shy of two years old he realized his love for Gap tags. Everyday after getting dressed he would reach his chubby little arm to the back of his neck and feel for what kind of tag was hanging there. He loved those canvas, soft tags. Later, when he was old enough to help choosing his clothing for the day, he would go down the line of hangers feeling all the tags of his shirts. You can imagine our disappointment when many stores began selling the "tag-less" clothing. I often giggle when I unpack the small clothing for our now two year old, and my older boy asks "Mom, who does he have so many Gap shirts?" I show him the tags and he looks at me sideways as if I have made his fascination up....all while rubbing that tag between his thumb and finger.
My boy is aware that with eight children in the home, we do not splurge on many things. But my boy has his eye on a Sherpa lined hoodie and a pair of high top shoes. He has longed for these for six months. I have checked sales and scoured clearance racks. Then the question came. "Mom, do you think I could get high top shoes for my birthday?" This is a big deal in our house. We do not buy toys and treats year round, so he is asking to forfeit his chance at toys for the shoes.
It's his heart. His heart that makes us want to get him those shoes. His heart that makes me want to grant every wish his little heart has.
This is one of those moments when I this how God feels about us, and our hearts?
Does he see our hearts, and not just the request?
When our hearts are willing to sacrifice, willing to bend to Him....
Is it then that He wants to give us our hearts desires?
This boy is turning eleven this week.
I found those shoes for my boy...and that Sherpa lined hoodie, 75% off!
God is good, and always showing me things through these children He has given me.
Labels: Nicole
The hardest battles you can't see or hear.
I get out of bed.
I wash my face and brush my teeth.
I read the Bible.
I pray.
Standing dressed, I face the day.
Standing with head high and heart open, I brace myself.
With hope in my soul, I walk into the room.
I go about the routine of the day.
In God's grace I stand.
In His throne room I ask for help from His mighty hand.
We are not alone.
The seemingly simplest tasks are the hardest of them all.
Labels: Karen
Labels: Heather
These days most of our written communication comes electronically. It's nice to be able to send a message for free and receive a response back very quickly. Many weeks our mail carrier only delivers bills, magazines, and junk mail to our mailbox. Ever since I was a child, I have considered it a treat to receive a card or a letter that came through the mail. As electronic communications have become more and more common over the past twenty years, it seems that snail mail from a friend or loved one has become even more special. Before I began using e-mails, I used to send many letters through the mail, but over the last twenty years I haven't sent many cards or letters aside from my annual Christmas card. Over the past year I have been encouraged on many occasions by a card someone has sent me. Seeing what a blessing it has been in my life, I have set a goal to at the very minimum send one card a month. Maybe to a widow who will soon be approaching the one year anniversary of her husband's homegoing, my daughter's Sunday School teacher, or to someone whose beloved pet recently passed away. Who couldn't use a little encouragement through the mail every now and then? I pray the Holy Spirit will bring just the right person to my mind and use whatever I send to brighten her day. "Encourage one another and build each other up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Maybe you could drop a card or a letter in the mail to someone this week?
Labels: Ruth
Labels: Christine
Last Monday was a rough day. (Understatement) ...... Our family has been dealing with some tough stuff for several months now, but for some reason this particular day brought overwhelming anxiety. I battled between my mind, spirit, and body over the difference of what I believe and what was staring me in the face. My body revolted and began giving in to a full blown panic attack. Heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, trembling, ears ringing, and room spinning sensations made normal functioning impossible. I was beyond anxious. I was terrified! I finally ended up having to take medication to combat the physical symptoms that were overtaking me.
The next morning I learned of some difficulties that a friend of ours is facing. As the day went on, the panic that had rendered me useless the day before kept trying to rear it's ugly head. I decided that since I couldn't do anything to change my own circumstances, I would purposely pray for my friend. So I did. A few days later, I was talking with my brother in law who told me that he and my sister had been sensing an urgency to pray for me that week. And they did.
I may not have been able to pray for myself, but I could believe for God to move on behalf of my friend. And while I was doing that, someone else was believing and praying for me.
Labels: Jeanne
Last night I went to a church service in Pittsburgh and one of the ministers told a story of a man who sent his four sons to view a fruit tree on a faraway piece of property. He sent each son during a different season; one in the winter, one in the spring, another in the summer and the last in the fall of the year. He asked each one to describe the tree upon returning. The first son saw what looked like a tiny, withered, dead tree, and he saw no hope for future life or growth from it. The second son, upon returning, told the first brother that he was wrong; this tree was growing and beginning to grow leaves. The third son said that they were both wrong. The tree he saw was large and strong, with beautiful flowers all over it. The last son said that they were all wrong. The tree was heavy with fragrant, ripened fruit, ready for harvesting. The father told them that they were all right. They had simply seen the same tree in different seasons. The minister then compared this story to how we view others and how quickly we form opinions and judgements regarding them, when we are only seeing them in one season of their lives.
Labels: Terri
lately. We were having internet problems at work. Then, after getting
the internet fixed, my computer would not turn on, at all. I didn't get a
day off from work at all this week, and I normally only work 2-3 days.
The door in the Walmart dressing room would not open, after many
tries by several people. I finally said, "give me a screwdriver so I may
laughing also.
as he shakes in the corner. My daughter is crying, and my husband has
simply left the room, or house entirely. I would not recommend freaking
out on ones family. After doing so, I feel bad, realize my issue, clam
down & apologize. I pet my poor, petrified, eyes peeled backtill whites
are all you see, dog in the corner. Other times, God gives me grace I do
not have on my own, to deal with situations that would otherwise be made
worse, by this behavior.
That He won't let anything go too far, even my temper. In my weakness His
strength rises. He provides a door of escape, or in my case, the ability to look
at a dressing room door & figure out how to remove it, to then escape, and
the ability to laugh at the whole thing.So Glad my heavenly Father has me
covered either way.
Labels: Sonya
I am often asked "How do you do it all"
Labels: Nicole
I have a friend that lives in a neighboring town that is connected by a very isolated back road. It is the kind of road that feels like someone's really extended driveway. Recently she asked me for a ride to town so I gladly prepared myself for awful potholes and poor cell service.
In broad day light I found myself prepared for the roads uncomfortable twists and drove at a speedy 45mph. The light exposed so much of the ruts, washed away bits, and detritus blocking part of the way. As we drove, I kept my eyes on the road and respected my surroundings.
We went to our scheduled meeting and were challenged to exceed expectations and use our spiritual gifts. We had learned much and had a lot to share on our crazy road back to her house. My friend is extremely wise and kind. She has a generosity of spirit that puts my cynical side to unspeakable shame. As I again navigated the twists and turns now in the total darkness that comes in northern Tippecanoe County at night, I listened to her share her thoughts and the plans that she'd made.
I found myself driving at 30 mph and thinking much. Her light exposed my ruts, washed away bits, and detritus blocking my progress. As I delicately picked my way back to her house in my SUV, she delicately picked away at the hardness of my heart. I am grateful for her thoughts, putting into practice what she taught, and hoping for the brightness of day to show a clearer path.
Labels: Karen
Labels: Heather

Labels: Ruth
Labels: Christine

Labels: Jeanne
I declare, I do get invited to the most interesting celebrations! This weekend I am attending a Bat Barakah ceremony and celebration for the daughter of some very dear friends. A Bar/Bat Barakah (meaning "son/daughter of the blessing or grace") is a ceremonial blessing at the time of puberty in which the father releases a son or daughter spiritually and emotionally into manhood or womanhood. It is similar to the Jewish Bar/Bat Mitzvah (means "son /daughter of the law").
In investigating the purpose of this ceremony, I have come to learn that most cultures observe some sort of rite of passage from childhood to adulthood, but it is generally absent from our American culture. It is important for a child to receive his or her father's blessing in order to establish his or her identity and to walk into his or her destiny. As I read about this, different ones came to my mind whose parents, especially the father, have been absent from their lives, and I have watched them struggle to find acceptance, identity, and love, many times in the wrong places and from the wrong people. Hmmm...
Anyway, back to my friends. I have watched them raise both of their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and I am looking forward to adding my blessing to theirs as her father proclaims over her, "This is my beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased." I have been asking the Lord for an appropriate spiritually minded gift, and a special word of blessing for her. I also look forward to watching her grow and mature into the beautiful woman of God that I am already beginning to see. Exciting!!!
Baruch Ata Adonai; Blessed are You, Lord our God!
Labels: Terri
We were not the only ones to notice that our daughter Sarah
was different from other children. When we would go to a
restaurant, invariably, when our order arrived, one of us would
need to take Sarah out, so those around us could enjoy their
dinner. She would become uncontrollable. One time, while with
my parents, we had to leave the restaurant entirely because
she began screaming, while others looked on in disgust.
Sometimes you don't know the whole of your story until you share
it with others. My husband was asked to speak & I sing for a very
small congregation. He spoke of my one fallopian tube being removed
and the other being severely damaged. No cause was found but in an
effort to fix me, I was put on a medicine that shut down my reproductive
system. By the grace of God, I found out that this drug could have killed
me, should I have continued with it, as instructed. We were told that we
would not likely have children, and if I ever became pregnant, I would
have to be watched very closely. All this I knew, then he said, "We
prayed for a child, and God gave us Sarah without any doctor intervention
at all." Afterwards I asked, "Why did you lie & tell people we prayed for a
child?" He said, "I prayed." I said, "well that would be a nice thing to
discuss with me first, don't ya think?" He said, "I figured I'd let God take
care of you."
Labels: Sonya
When I walk into a room that is now in disarray. Papers and toys and cereal, oh the cereal strung about
Labels: Nicole
Three little words. Also said as, "How are you holding up?" I pause and think now about this question. I ask it everyday of my toddler Ellanor who will invariably fall face forward into a wall. I have gone from rushing in with major concern to "Are you OK?" This is so much so my fall back default setting that after she falls her default response is, "I'm oday." ...Even before I ask. Even before she truly knows that she is OK or not....
Those that read the blog know that my friend my age recently lost her husband. I watched her valiantly go through the "Are you OK's?" in the church lobby. While I know that in my church the person really wants to truly know, I wondered in other settings, what the asker was really asking. Did one truly want to know how to help, or did one just want reassurance that one did not have to worry? I look at my friend, try hard to put myself in her shoes, and know that for many years and in many ways, she will not be "OK" on some levels.
I've started looking at situations like this and want to consciously start moving to, "How can I help?" or "What do you need?" This response acknowledges that a profound hurt has happened and that I truly am interested in helping, not just interested in being reassured. This example was set for me by a friend who is quickly becoming dear. She read some of my status updates on facebook, and came over right away to help. She didn't ask, "Are you OK?" She asked, "What can I do to help?" and the difference spoke volumes to my soul.
Labels: Karen
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Labels: Heather