Oh-the good news of the Gospel !!! Paul says we "must reckon-(that is-to believe that something is true ) that we are now dead to sin AND alive unto God through Jesus Christ. Jesus bridged the gap and now we can come BOLDLY into the throne room of God.
I can remember one time I was driving down a street in our town ,sitting at a red light, lamenting and bawling because of the "yuck" I felt  that I was. I sensed a prompting  to look up. When I looked up through my windshield--it was as if blood was literally running down the glass-and I heard the words-not audibly-but intense thought came to mind-"You do not see yourself as I see -This is how I see you-through the blood of Jesus" !

Because we are "the righteousness of God in Christ" which is a mystery AND miracle itself-we stand whole and complete before God. This is how God chooses to view us. Yes-We are a work in progress-HIS workmanship-and He WILL finish what he started!  There is nothing any of us can do to earn this or work for this-it a free gift!!!!! That is GREAT news!!

Sometimes because we give so much, it is hard to receive. But this is one gift that I have learned to unwrap.... hold it up ..... look at it from every angle...and embrace it. And I am so thankful.


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