Where parents choose to send their children to school is often an emotionally charged issue, especially if they do not choose a public school. Before we became parents, my husband said he wanted to homeschool our children. Because I had spent 26 years in Christian schools, my instinct was to send our children to a Christian school. My husband's preference grew on me, and we decided to homeschool our children. I expected to meet resistance once my eldest was five-years-old, but I was taken by surprise when I was reprimanded for not sending her to day care before she even had her first birthday. A colleague at work expressed concern over my infant's socialization. I was stunned, and yet many others have made similar comments over the past four years regarding my social butterfly. I did not realize I would be viewed as depriving my daughter if I did not send her to preschool even though she actively participates in gymnastics, ballet, AWANA, and Sunday School each week.
Parents are ultimately responsible for their children's education, and I believe every parent needs to seek the Lord's guidance as to how each of their children should be educated. It's a very personal decision. Just because we have chosen to homeschool our children, it does not mean we think every family should homeschool their children. A public school or a private school might be the best place for another child. Tolerance is loudly preached in our culture, but it often does not extend toward parents who choose an option other than a public school for their children. What other people think of our decision does not matter. There is only one voice that matters, and that is God's. "The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted." (Proverbs 29:25) I will be accountable to God alone at the end of my life. If I am following His leading, then I need to have the courage to share our decision to homeschool without wincing.
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