We know that actions speak louder than words. Although we are not purposefully hypocritical, it is easy to have expectations for others that we do not have for ourselves. As I was reflecting on the expectations I have for my children, it struck me that my husband and I are not the best role models when it comes to eating a wide variety of vegetables. I expect them to eat a little of every vegetable I serve, but I never serve the vegetables that my husband and I don't enjoy. I am not setting a good example for them, and I'm limiting their exposure to healthy foods they might really enjoy. If I am going to require my children to keep trying new foods, I need to plan menus that are not just based on what my husband and I like to eat. I am not ready to start eating my least favorite vegetable, brussels sprouts, but I can start serving and eating some vegetables that I haven't eaten in many years. A
s Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary." I pray that the Holy Spirit will show me if there are other areas of my life where I need to make changes in order to practice what I preach.
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