I have had my entire life a condition that has been referred to as ADD. Many are saying it isn't real and should not be treated. You know, they say, it isn't a valid reason for shortcomings that are easily rectified by self-control. Well, that may well be, but I struggle greatly with something outside of my control.
I avoid any commitment that has me meeting on second and fourth days of the week during the month. For example, "Karen! You should come to knitting club, [I crochet, thanks] it meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month! On fifth Tuesdays, we have a party day." Why? WHY? I will never know what numbered day of the month and week it is. I'm doing really good to know that today is Tuesday! Let alone where it stands in the month.
This is EMBARRASSING. School is so hard on me because it seems that all of the communications involve pieces of paper that must be read, signed, and returned on certain days. Fourth Thursdays are Kindergarteners color co-ordinated clothing day! Have your kindergartener wear the right color of the month on the fourth Thursday! It really is difficult on me. Invariably I will forget and as I watch the orange clad kindergarteners go in while Sarah wears green, I die a thousand deaths.
So, I'm late. I'm sorry. When I do finally agree to a commitment, and learn the routine, I usually do get it right after much forgetting. It just takes time.
I've learned that kindergarteners are creative and resilient. ("Mommy I made an orange breast plate during crayon time!") I've learned who truly wants to help and who truly loves me. I've learned to advocate for myself. I've learned to let go and forgive myself. Of course I absolutely know that God is backing me and helping me to remember the next time. I must truly rely on His strength not my own in this area.
I do have the capacity to make it work most days, but on the days I blow it, please know, I don't mean to. I'm doing the best I can. I'll get it right next time. I promise I will.
Labels: Karen
I write this today with one wounded eye
It is red, irritated and looking into light causes immense pain
Today is better than yesterday, but i am reminded of how bad it is when i see others and their response to my wound
My other eye, however is great
Looks, feels and can see great
It is as if my sight is double sided
There was a time in my life when I was spiritually wounded
Not by others, but by my own sin, a choice I had made
You could see it in my face, my heart was not right with The Lord
It caused immense pain to look toward Him, for I knew...
Then there were times I could just get dressed up and waltz into church
Talk the talk and walk the walk, speaking all the Christianese I knew
My spiritual life wass double sided
How about you?
Would you rather just cover up one side of you
Live without authentic community with God
Lord, I pray for healing
I pray that we would recognize and address our wounded eyes in life
Thank you Lord for your healing hand
Labels: Nicole
Labels: Ruth
It is rehearsal time again for Out Of The Ashes, and I am sitting here listening to a new song that was truly birthed "out of the ashes." Life circumstances are not always pretty or picture perfect, and the circumstances that this song resulted from were some of the most heartbreaking that any parent ever has to walk through. The song starts with the utter devastation of a father's heart when he realizes that he cannot always protect his children from harm, but it doesn't end there. Even in this, there is hope. There is healing. There is restoration. There is God.
In getting to know the members of the band and their individual and collective stories, it becomes clear how appropriate the band name is. Each person has walked through fire, and for some, the journey is still being walked out. In all of it, God has shown Himself to be faithful, and the story that will emerge from the ashes will undoubtedly touch people's lives in a real and powerful way.
Even in this, The Son will rise with healing in His wings...
Labels: Terri
have gone before us, those that have stood
their ground for the things we all hold dear.
Those that have bleed & died for our Freedom.
If you have been in the company of those who
have fought for liberty, truth & the pursuit of
happiness, count yourself blessed. If you have been
Labels: Sonya
I never had the privilege of meeting you, but I wish I could have known you. I think my dad looks a lot like you. I have heard only bits and pieces about your life...mostly about your military service and how your surveying skills during WWII directly impacted the fall of Germany.
I wasn't there when your casket was shipped home with a purple heart inside, but I want you to know how proud of you I am for making the ultimate sacrifice for your country. Because of your courage...I know life and freedom that may have been lost.
Your family and country have not only survived...we have thrived!
William Frederick Kincaid Sr.
US Army
Killed on active duty in April 1945
God Bless America!!!
Labels: Jeanne
Sometimes I think my best way of praising God is making things up. I've been doing it since I was a child and I most enjoy doing it for children. I am currently writing a VBS about medieval monasticism complete with visiting saints, silly games, serious crafts, and weirdly appropriate snacks. It feels so good to be doing this that I wonder why I stopped. That's when I remember six children, a novel, two blogs, homeschool co-op classes, and a husband who likes a little attention now and then. I guess I keep pretty busy. I hope it rings true as praise from my heart.
Labels: Christine
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Image from: http://www.probono.net/images/areas/319/Confetti.jpg |
Labels: Heather
OK. I wear glasses. Thick. Huge. Wide. Glasses. I have worn glasses since I was 5. There was that brief stint in hard contact lenses, but for at least 90% of my life since age 5--glasses.
There have been plastic ones, wire ones, big ones, small ones, red ones, purple ones, tortoise shell, and gold.
Labels: Karen
Priceless sweet moments of daily life
I capture them with a click of a button
Giving thanks for each one
Recognizing where each blessing is from
A gift from the one who created all
And even the moments that aren't picture perfect
I am reminded
Of mamas with empty arms
Kiddos who will not return home
Never to smush peanut butter on windows again
So, I am greatfull
For even the messy
Labels: Nicole
Labels: Ruth
I am sitting in Out Of The Ashes' rehearsal tonight, listening to the creativity that has been unleashed since their recording session several weeks ago. Last year was a year of waiting on the Lord, developing songwriting skills, and waiting on the Lord; a very frustrating year for my task-oriented husband, who was beginning to wonder if anything would ever happen. There were no concerts or travel, only a vision for a recording at some point in the not-too-distant future. During that time, they developed two original songs; one written by my sister, and the other by my husband.
As I said, several weeks ago Out Of The Ashes recorded those two songs along with two covers. I was able to be there to watch the whole process, and I watched each band member be challenged and pushed, sometimes almost to the breaking point. There were some overwhelmingly emotional moments; we all sat and wept as we listened to my sister record the vocals to her song, Little Girl Lost. The last song, Higher, stretched everyone the most, and the results blew us all away as God showed up in the studio.
Since then, the emails, phone calls and texts have been flying, and new songs, arrangements and ideas have been flowing like a rushing river out of each member. The excitement and inspiration within the band is palpable. There were also previously undiscovered giftings and talents that were revealed that weekend that are being developed, as well as opportunities for Jeanne's original song to possibly be used by some national organizations. The first concert is coming up at the end of the month, and I am so excited to see what God is going to do that night, and where this is all going to lead!
Labels: Terri
Labels: Sonya